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Nothing like not knowing what you’re going to wear to start your morning off on the wrong foot. You’re running around frantic, hating all your options, feeling the pressure, getting late for work, more pressure…you know the drill. These 6 tips will take away that dreaded feeling and make getting dressed in the morning easier!
6 Tips to Make Getting Dressed in the Morning Easier
1. Pick out your outfit the night before
If you’re feeling really ambitious you could pick out outfits for the whole week, but at least don’t go to bed if you don’t know what you’re going to wear for the next day!
If you’re aiming to pick out outfits for the whole week, pick a day that fits well into your routine or create one! A Sunday would work great as you get your looks ready for the coming week. You could weave it into a “self-care” night too and do a face mask, hair mask, nails, or whatever it takes to make you unwind and feel good for what’s to come. Life will feel way easier because you’re looking your best and all prepared for what’s to come!
2. Have a list of go-to outfits
Sometimes figuring out what to wear is the hardest part. Spend time making a “uniform”, or a list of the go-to outfits that you love and know always work. Idea: skinny jeans, tee, blazer, & flats or click here for more ideas. For work, it may be dress pants, heels, and a blouse. Once you find something you love, get different versions of the same look!
Related: Do You Have These Wardrobe Essentials?
3. When in doubt, pick a piece that shines on its own
For last-minute emergencies or days where you just can’t even, pick something that doesn’t need a ton of thought or looks great without having to do much! Like a jumpsuit or a dress. All you have to do is add shoes and you’re done.
Related: 6 Outfit Ideas for When You Don’t Know What to Wear
4. Try on the outfits you pick out
Sometimes I’ll lay in bed and have the outfit picked out in my head, but when it comes to trying it on the next morning I’ll hate it! Either the colors don’t match like I thought or it looks weird together. This takes me back to square 1, so don’t be like me and make sure you try it on to make sure it looks the way you want!
5. Keep clothes on a mannequin, clothing rack, or special hanger
Once you’ve picked it out and tried it on, you’ve got to keep it in a place that is easily accessible. No hunting last minute for those accessories! This is about making life easier after all.
6. Keep track of the winners!
You went to all this work to find an outfit and if you love it? Don’t forget it! Find a way to keep track of these looks to repeat them, whether it’s an album on your cellphone or physically printing them out in your closet.

Voila! 6 easy steps later and your mornings will be way easier… I promise!
Do you do any of these to make getting dressed easier? Or are there any on this list you want to start doing?

I really need to start picking out my stuff the night before. It’s a simple tip, but sometimes hard to do. Ug! Thanks for the encouragement. <3
I for sure need to do this. Especially since I have a little one running around while I get ready.
I’ve been meaning to have a day set aside to try on ALL THE THINGS and determine which outfits I really love so I can narrow down some go-to favorites to use when I’m feeling stumped about an outfit. In high school, I’d always lay out my clothing the night before so I wouldn’t be rushed in the morning. These are awesome tips!
Great tips! I need to get better at planning my outfits better. I feel so rushed in the mornings!
Nobody ever looked so chic getting dressed in the morning! Love these shots! And I seriously need these tips because I’m so over being stressed getting ready every morning!
These are such great tips! Luckily I work from home so I don’t have to worry about this a lot, but I could totally see this being so helpful if I had to be out the door early every day!
Hope it comes in handy some day!
I layout my outfit the night before and I’m retired! Just a habit I’ve had since junior high school! Really helps me not stress out!
Such a good thing to do!