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Who wants to live a luxurious life? I see your hand, girl. First, I think it’s important to define what a luxury lifestyle is to you. Is it a closet full of Chanel purses? Partying like Gatsby? Getting to sleep in for once? If you’re a mom, the last one certainly seems like a luxury at times, doesn’t it?
One definition of luxury is “a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort”. For another definition, it’s “something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary.”
To me, living a luxurious life is about experiences. Quality of life. Things that add pleasure and comfort to my daily living.
A luxurious life goes far beyond how much money is in the bank account or how many luxury items you have in your closet. Instead, it’s about elevating the ordinary. It’s about all the little things you can do to overall create a life that you can define as luxurious.
How to Live a Luxurious Life
It all starts the morning you wake up.

Enjoy your coffee each morning
I don’t just say have your coffee each morning, but to enjoy it. Make it a ritual that you can’t wait to wake up and start.
It doesn’t have to just be coffee either. Is tea your thing? Perhaps hot water with lemon? Pair your hot drink with a pastry, biscuit, or English muffin with your favorite jam. Fig? Raspberry? Don’t forget the pretty dishes either…it all goes into the whole experience.
Fill your body with good food
I’m actually amazed at how much sugar people consume. And that’s just starting with breakfast too. There’s sugar in your coffee creamer, sugar in your syrup, your fruit juices, your cereal, etc. Now, I’m not perfect with my sugar consumption, but over time I’ve learned that so much sugar will have you not feeling and looking your best in the long run.
It’s hard to create a life of luxury when your quality of life is diminishing. This doesn’t mean you have to flip to the other side and only eat locally grown or organic, but try to add more whole foods (fruits, veggies, & whole grains) to your meals and skip the junk food.

Invest in a quality capsule wardrobe
When you think luxurious you might think designer, but it doesn’t have to be just that. Knowing you have pieces in your closet that you love and can be mixed and matched is going to set the tone for the day – and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it. In fact, you can likely find beautiful, high-quality items at your local thrift store.
Would you rather start off the morning frazzled trying to figure out what to wear or calm and confident because you have a versatile wardrobe and a couple of go-to looks?
If you’d rather feel calm and confident, then I created a resource for you that will help you create your dream wardrobe from scratch – beginning to end!
Over time, I learned that a quality wardrobe is the goal. There can be this pressure to always have new clothes, but this can lead to buying cheaper clothes just to keep up with having new and more.
Related: Reinvent Your Wardrobe: How To Put Together Outfits With Clothes You Already Have

Find your signature scent
Your signature scent is more than just a smell, but is a way to be remembered. “Finding” your signature scent doesn’t mean it’s lost out there and you have to retrieve it (ha), but you get to decide what it is for yourself.
Do you like fruity scents? Warm notes like vanilla or amber? It’s up to you! There are plenty of quizzes out there to find your signature scent, but nothing will replace going out there and smelling with your own nose to see what you like.

Don’t skimp on skincare
You don’t have to get monthly facials to feel luxurious if you can’t afford them (because most people can’t), but finding room to afford good skincare is a must for living a luxurious life,
If it’s between a makeup and skincare budget, go skincare, because the better your skin is the less makeup you’ll need. I’m working on sticking with skincare products before I try something new because I’m a junkie, but I always say you can’t put a price on confidence…

Evaluate your friendships
Every woman, nay person, needs quality relationships in their life.
Everyone you surround yourself with is going to mold you into the person you become. Are the people in your life good influences? Are they toxic? Do they gossip? Even if you don’t gossip now you’ll slowly develop that habit just because you’re around people that do.
Can you look at your 5 closest friends and be proud if you turned out to be like them? If not, then some changes need to be made. Spend more time around the people that lift you up but also seek to be a person that lifts up others.
Headed to coffee with a friend? Put the phone away (guilty). Not just on the table where your eyes dart to every time it lights up. Not even screen down on the table. But actually away. Really try to focus on the conversation. Be a good listener. And contribute.

Create the perfect night routine
Whether it’s the ending to a fabulous day or a retreat when everything just went terribly, create the perfect night routine for you. Think it through and really envision it! What does it look like? A nightly bath? Reading a couple of chapters from your favorite book? What things do you need? A silky robe? Fluffy socks? Super extravagant feather slippers? A great nightly routine is wonderful for your mental health and one of the best ways to feel truly luxurious.
Pay attention to the details of your home
Along with that note, don’t forget the atmosphere of your home! It’s all in the details. Such as candles, lights, music, etc. Make little places in your home a retreat. Maybe in the living room, you have a cozy corner set up with books, plump pillows, and soft throw blankets. Or perhaps in the bathroom, you have a table with magazines, mints, and pretty soaps. What do you really love about hotels, resorts, and spas? How can you replicate that at home?

Break out the fancy
Don’t keep your fancy china in the cabinet to be seen but not touched. Use it! You know those fluffy guest towels that stay in the closet because you want them to be nice, and instead, you use a stained and tattered towel? Why give your guests the best and save the worst for yourself? Splurge on some thick and soft towels for yourself! They really make all the difference. It’s all about finding the little luxurious in life.
Don’t overlook the power of fresh flowers
It just takes $10-$15 dollars at the grocery store or local plant nursery to breathe new life into a room. If constantly buying new flowers sounds a bit unnecessary to you, you should consider plants because they will last way longer. And if you’re like me and always kill stuff, you can fill your home with faux greenery instead. It’s not totally the same thing, but hey, they’re nice to look at.

Culture yourself
Take a break from the blockbuster movies and check out the classics, even if they are in black and white. Trust me, you’ll survive. Personally, I love movies with Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly – icons who may as well be blueprints for how to live a luxurious life.
What do you read? Facebook status updates? Nothing? What classic books can you culture yourself by? At the very least, flip through a luxury home magazine and feel inspired by the glossy decorated pages. It’s amazing where you can be transported. No private yacht is necessary.

Try and experience new things daily
I made myself try something new recently. There’s this super hip restaurant in town that everyone raves about but I never went, because not only was it pretty pricey, but the menu seemed kinda weird. Like duck tacos and leek fondue weird. Well, recently I went, and guess what?
It was so nice.
Not only did I enjoy some quality conversation (phone-free), but the aforementioned duck tacos? Man, they melted in my mouth. It was the most I’ve ever spent on a meal (I got a cocktail and dessert too, because why not?). But it was so worth it.
Broaden your horizons. Try something new. Take a break from the same things you always do. That’s true luxury.
Kick the fear to the curb
Do you think you don’t deserve a luxurious lifestyle? Ever go to a super high-end store like Barneys or Bergdorfs and feel completely out of place or worse yet, made to feel like you don’t belong? It happened to me once.
Walk with confidence into those stores. Don’t let the sales staff make you feel small. Yeah, you’re not going to buy anything. But they don’t know that.
Don’t verbally freak out at things that are mega $$$ either. Or let your eyes pop out of your sockets. Yeah, you know that look. Simply give a nonchalant shrug to that Birkin bag and walk away. Turns out it just wasn’t the one for you…

Save for higher quality experiences
Are there other things you can cut out to afford a bit more luxury, in whatever sense you define it? Maybe you don’t see that movie that costs $13 (and more if you get snacks) and you wait until you can rent it and instead, you make your favorite meal. I bet you’ll enjoy and remember that nice night even more.
Do you have any fancy hotels in your city? Maybe you could just hang out in the lobby for a little bit and take it all in. What do you notice? People walking through in their sharp outfits…women’s stilettos click-clacking on the floor…it makes you want to sit up straighter and get taken a bit more seriously, doesn’t it?
Are there any experiences in your life you’ve always dreamt about? Why not do it? Maybe it’s photographing on an African safari or taking cooking classes throughout Europe.
Even if you can’t shoot that big yet, no worries. Maybe your experience is just taking a wine class at your local college/community center so you can feel more knowledgeable about wine pairings at your next dinner party. These little bits of knowledge will go a long way in living a luxurious life
Something to remember
Do you have those women in your life that have designer item after designer item and you secretly judge them thinking they need status, approval, or some other not-so-nice thoughts? I’m guilty, and no matter your feelings on purchasing designer, who are we to judge? Luxury living looks different for everyone.
Maybe her Louboutins are your plane tickets. Or maybe her designer purse is your home renovation. Feel happy for the woman that gets weekly facials instead of secretly judging because you think it’s a big waste of money. Luxury is yours to define, even if it’s just scoring mad deals in the dollar section at Target. You go, girl!
I’ll just leave you with this.
Sometimes luxury is in the small things and you just have to lift up your head to notice. Spend more time in nature. Even if it’s the dead of winter. There is beauty just dying to be noticed, such as the delicate frost on the leaf or the tiny animal prints in the snow.
Work on the inside as much as the outside (if not more) because if you can’t find contentment with what you have and where you’re at, no luxurious life upgrade is going to make you happy.
“Quand on a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a.” When we do not have what we love, we have to love what we have.
To help you love your life and wardrobe, it needs to be organized. I created some free checklists and organizing guides for you that you can get by signing up here!
For even more ways to pursue a lovely lifestyle, keep reading: 30 Ways to Pursue a Parisian Lifestyle

These shots are amazing and very excellent ways of life. Super helpful!
Happy it was helpful!
I love this post,it had really given me some wonderful ideas! You and I have a lot income! I love the way you see things. I have very similar vision. Thank you for you lovely visions of living and your frugal luxury!
Wow! Much applause for this post. It certainly resonated with me, as I’m someone who appreciates luxury, but doesn’t always have the funds to back it up. I’ve been looking to turn my wardrobe into a truly classic, timeless wardrobe (inspired by you, my friend)! I’m also bent on having a calm, quiet morning fueled by my favorite: coffee. I also try to end the day with tea and a bath whenever I can. Love love reading through all your suggestions!
Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m really happy it resonated with you. I just wanted to get the point across that luxury is self-defined and it doesn’t require having a lot of money. Love that you end the day with tea and a bath. I do that too!
I love your post. I’m 63 years old and have spent most of my life seeking was to make the most ordinary things in life as luxurious as I possibly can and with as less money as possible. A luxurious life is absolutely a state of mind and everything else follows. Thank you.
This post is awesome babe! Love how unique it is and I totally agree! These are great ways to live our personal luxurious life!
cute & little
It’s all about defining it for yourself!
I love these suggestions (and actually feel a lot calmer after reading this post)! We get so caught up in the chaos that we frequently forget to make ourselves feel special!
That’s true! You can’t give to others if you’re empty!
I appreciate posts like this so much. I am always looking for more ways to spice up my own appearance and the appearance of my home. I always refrain from buying super nice things and instead I bargain shop at different places. However, I just feel like I have really bad taste hahaha so I did take some good tips from your post and I appreciate it!
Haha I am sure you don’t have bad taste, but I can relate to bargain shopping at different places! Pretty much my way of life!
I really love this post. I love the pics and the tips but also how you focused on improving your inner attitude and making that a luxurious one as well. Beautiful and wise! Truly!
IG @IsabellaDavidVintage
Thanks so much, Izzy! Happy to hear you loved it!
LOVE THIS! I’m loving the photos & this advice is so so good! I can really appreciate how you said that you don’t shop new often, which I can so relate to, it’s such a common misconception that you constantly have to have the newest/trendiest things, especially when you’re a blogger, but that’s simply not true. I love working with what I already have! And you’re so right…a bouquet of fresh beautiful flowers does wonders!
-madi xo |
Love what you said! I also think the “average” person doesn’t shop a ton and would like tips on how to wear what they have. Maybe I’m just saying that because it’s my focus, but I feel like I got that from somewhere haha!
What a great post! I couldn’t agree more that luxury is different for everyone. I’m the one who chooses home reno over a designer purse and if I can snag a high end anything at a consignment store, I’m gonna do it. My coffee in the morning is a real pleasure, too. And enjoying a glass of wine (or two) in the evening with good friends is just the relaxation I need after a busy day. To me, that’s luxury.
I love that you defined luxury for yourself. We sound a lot alike too!
Yes girl! Self care goes such a long way toward living the life you dream.
Well said!
Such a unique post and love the idea that you can live in luxury without the price tag ?
It’s totally attainable no matter how much money you have!
I love this post! especially right now if ya get what I mean. lol. Hopefully making some of these changes will give me some that ‘feel good” boost I need!
Haha, I get what you mean. A feel-good boost is always good!
This is an amazing post. It definitely is all about the little things! And I do feel better with fresh flowers around the house!
It’s really the little things!
This is a great post girl! I totally agree self care and making sure you take great job of your skin is so important.
Everyone says you’ll thank your future self for taking care of your skin now!
I love all of these little tips! The self care, and actually enjoying my coffee is very important to me!
Enjoying the coffee sounds little, but it’s huge!
Wow this is an amazing post! Totally agree that a luxury is how you define your life to be. Self-care and spending quality time with family and friends are so important.
Remembering to spend time with family and friends is important yet hard when you’re self-employed and the business growth depends on you!
What a fabulous and inspiring post! We have been threading our way back to health after an unbelievable year…2022. But, we tried to find something to laugh about every day. Some days it was impossible; other days, we laughed at how lousy the food was (it was hideous, but finally you begin to see how crazy it all is and that if you don’t try to find something GOOD or funny, you’ll lose your mind. But he got a new liver and we are finding our way through this process and try to make it the very best that we can. Really good home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients. Fresh flowers. Clean, pressed clothes that make you feel better. Having dinner with close friends. A great glass of wine. Watching the dogs play. Watering my flower garden. Watching a thunderstorm blow in….we have some spectacular weather that blows in here in Oklahoma! Sunshine on your face. And I always try to remember that we all have problems, fears, and trials, but it doesn’t cost a dime to be a friend, share a genuine smile with a stranger, hug a friend like you really mean it (hold on just a second longer so they REALLY KNOW that you care!!!). It may be that that is what they really needed at that moment. We need so much more kindness in our world today. Please keep posting these articles…I, for one, treasure them.
Great tips – especially the one about investing in fewer quality pieces for a capsule wardrobe!
Thought you would appreciate that!
I LOVE these tips! Quality over quantity for closet pieces for SURE.
i love these – skincare especially is everything!
I absolutely love this! Skincare is one of those things I won’t be cheap with!
I completely agree! As a blogger there is so much pressure to consume so that you have new things to write and talk about. But the downside is that can lead to a lot of waste. I’ve been trying to repurpose old things and just cut down in general and I find it makes me much less anxious to have less stuff around. great post!
Love you look on luxury! I’d we change our mind how we think about life we can do this.
I think it comes down to perspective!
This was such an enjoyable post! I need to take in more of these things, happy Friday!
Hope you had a great day 🙂
Having a signature scent really makes everything luxurious! I love the feel of you blog. Xo
Having a signature fragrance is ultimate luxury. I love the accessories and tips on this post! Your blog feels amazing Xo
So glad you love how it feels <3
I would just love to learn how to have this kind of life and and have really nice things and start having different things but not having to pay a real fortune for it.
I can relate. I hope this post helped a little with that!
Love this so much! I especially love your emphasis on self care. Nothing feels more luxurious to me than a face mask and doing my nails!
Yes, I love doing face masks!
Awesome post! I too love Audrey and French style! Luxury can definitely be affordable, I agree that we define it for ourselves!
I agree. It can definitely be affordable!
I recently discovered your blog and now I’m finding myself going to post after post. Thoroughly enjoying your content and hard work!
Aww thanks so much, Alli! So happy to have you as a reader 🙂
I laughed when i read that you kill plants. I used to be afraid of having plants because I thought I could kill them but… I get you two suggestions. The first one is to get succulents and cactus, they don’t need too much attention, I water them when I remember they exist, maybe every three weeks and they are alive, still grows. The cactus should not be that hurtful thing that gives the desert image, I have a little one with red flowers and it’s very cute. The other suggestion is orchids. You buy the plant and put it out of the pot, wash the roots carefully and place it in a glass vase (transparent) with water. Mine has one year old and has flowers all the whole year. You need to change the water every week, I like to keep the vase clean because it turns green so I carefully take the plant out, wash the vase, place the plant back and fill it with water again.
I hope it helps you to have something alive at home 🙂
Wow, thank you so much for the tips! You’re making me want to have an orchid now. Can’t wait to try my green thumb out again 🙂
Great post! You’ve got yourself another fan….
So happy to hear that, Barbara 🙂
Thanks for this wonderful piece, it felts soooo comfortable.