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You know what I love?
Well for starters, good food, drinking coffee in bed, sweets, and discovering a funny new tv show.
But what I love pertaining to this post? Getting the most out of my wardrobe! Getting clothing pieces that I love and wearing them over and over again. Feeling like I used my money wisely and didn’t buy something to only wear it once and then have it take up precious real estate in my wardrobe. As well as leaving a hole in my metaphorical wallet…
Now with 2019 officially done (what!), I thought I’d share my most worn items of 2019.
And when I say most worn I’m not talking about most styled for my blog or Instagram or anything. I mean actually worn…in “real life”!
I hope seeing this list inspires you to pick up some items like this, because I really think you’ll wear them as much as me!
My Most Worn Clothing Items of 2019
1. thrifted mom shorts
First off, I’m heartbroken because my favorite pair of shorts recently got ruined. The ones that I wore pretty much all summer! I tried to make them into frayed cut offs (whyyyyy did I try that) and one side got too short and then I had to even it out and then next thing I knew I had a denim diaper. I’m pretty handy with a drill and a belt sander, but scissors? Yeesh, that’s another story.
I’m most definitely going to have to find another pair of the perfect mix of high waist, vintage, faded, tight around the waist but loose around the thighs pair because these are such a staple.
They were thrifted (as are most things in this post), but I’ll link to similar things!
2. beret
Berets are one of my favorite spring/fall/winter accessories. The only time I don’t think I’ve worn a beret yet is in summer. I have a light pink, beige, red, & black one and I find myself pretty much wearing them all equally! The lighter ones are great for warmer days so your outfit doesn’t look too “heavy” with the weather, and the black & red one I wear a ton in fall/winter.
The pink one was $3 at Rue 21, the black one is old from Shopko ($12?), and here’s the beige one!
3. J.Crew camel coat
My sister found this for me at Goodwill and it was only $10. As far as cost per wear goes, it’s probably down to pennies now because I wore it all fall and winter in 2019 and I know I’ll be wearing it until it falls apart. I sing the praises of camel coats all the time, but I love how it adds a chic look to dressier outfits and even classes up jeans!
3. Awake black & white striped top
I found this top secondhand ($4?) and though I’ve never heard of this brand before, the tee is a favorite because it’s soft and loose, without being baggy. Just how I like my basic tees!
Striped tops make great pieces for layering or mixing prints, but they also stand great on their own!
4. black Amazon pom pom hat
I wear this hat everywhere and sometimes multiple times a week in the winter! I like that pom pom hats are cute and functional. I wear this hat to stay warm (obvi) but hide bad hair days too 😉 hehe
This hat is part of a cheap mommy and me set and though Will’s hat fell apart pretty quickly, mine is still going strong despite wearing it all the time. So hit or miss I guess!
5. American Eagle boater straw hat
Thank you American Eagle clearance ($10?) for this hat that makes it into all of my outfits in the summer. It gives a polished, yet casual and cute summer vibe to your outfits. It would also work perfectly for a European holiday because it gives off yacht club summer day coast vacay vibes too! Whew, that’s a lot of words!
6. Ann Taylor cheetah coat
Most worn and most complimented item…easily. Found on thredUp for maybe $20some? dollars, but the brand is Ann Taylor. Sometimes outerwear is the only thing people will see of you and you want a coat that tells people your personality without even having to open your mouth!
I love how it can even add style to my jeans on days that I don’t feel like trying. You can see this coat styled on the blog here.
7. Dolce Vita combat boots
If somehow my combat boots fell apart right now, I’d go out and buy another pair STAT. I got these from a collab with Saks Off 5th and they are my go-to fall & winter shoe. Combat boots are tough and durable, but still stylish. They add a model (or mom) off duty element to your outfits and though I live in the midwest, this is about as “snowboot” as I get!!
8. basic tee + straight leg jeans + loafers
Now, this last one isn’t an item as much as it is a combo, but whether it’s lunch with my sis or a “mom” day, this outfit combo is easy, classic, and definitely worn on repeat! It’s easy to add accessories too as well, which is always a plus!
I’m not completely surprised that these are my most worn items, but I am a little surprised that it looks like that’s all I wore haha! If you looked closely you could see that I’m combining a lot of these items in different pictures. Hmm like a year long capsule wardrobe…
Maybe that just goes to show you that you don’t need as much as you think and the “boring” items are going to be the ones that carry you through! Though let’s be real, there’s nothing boring about a cheetah coat… 😉
If you had to think about your most worn items of 2019, what would they be? I’m very curious to know and see if our lists are similar at all! Leave a comment!

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